How Long Does Monitors Last? Life Span Explained

How Long Does Monitors Last

The longevity of monitors is a crucial aspect to consider in any computer setup. However, many individuals are left questioning, “How long do they actually last?”

It can be difficult to tell by looking at a monitor when it is time to replace it.

Fortunately, you can follow some helpful guidelines to get the most out of your monitor and determine when it is time for a new one.

This article explores how long monitors typically last and what signs indicate it’s time for an upgrade.

We’ll also look at ways you can extend the life of your monitor so you don’t have to worry about replacing your monitor.

By following these tips, you can ensure your monitor lasts as long as possible while providing top-notch performance.

Let’s get started!

How to determine how long a monitor lasts?

Several factors are included in how long monitors last. Because all monitors were not built equally, which makes the difference between them.

#1. Build quality 

It is the most important factor in deciding how much a monitor lasts. The cheaper monitor will burn faster than the top quality.

It also depends on how much money you spend on your monitor build quality. If you treat it like an investment, then it may last longer.

#2. How you use 

How much a monitor lasts depends on how you treat it. If you bag or drop it, then it may be broken.

If your monitor’s cables are unmanaged or cracked, it may also affect the long-lasting of the monitor.

If you clean your monitor screen regularly and prevent it from bacteria, it will last long.

#3. Total usage 

If you’re using your monitor above 8 hours, then it will burn your monitor faster than the usage of 3 to 4 hours.

Long usage of the monitor also reduces the life of the monitor, and it is also harmful to your eyes and body.

But if you want your monitor to last long, you must use your monitor for less than 5 hours.

How much does a computer monitor last?

It depends upon the build quality of the monitor and the usage of the monitor, and it also depends on how you treat it.

If you use the monitor for more than 8 hours, it will reduce the life of the monitor.

#1. LED monitor 

The average life of led monitors is between 80000 to 120000, roughly 20 years if you use the monitor 8 hours daily.

LED monitors have the longest life span than other monitors if they are more expensive than lead.

#2. CRT monitor 

The CRT monitors have an average lifespan of 20000 to 30000, roughly 10 years, and these monitors are less energy efficient.

So. These monitors have the shortest life span than the others.

#3. LCD monitor 

The LCD monitors have an average lifespan of 30000 to 60000 hours which is roughly about 10 to 20 years.

LCDs have a higher life span than CRT but less than LED monitors.

#4. OLED monitor 

OLED monitors have an average lifespan of 100000 hours, roughly about 15 years, and these monitors have a normal life span.

How can you make your computer monitor last longer?

You can do different things to get the most out of your money. Let’s explore several things below.

#1. Keep monitor clean 

Most people do not clean their monitors properly, which affects the life span of the monitor.

There are many bacterias and dust on the screen of your monitor, which affects the monitor screen.

To make your monitor live longer, you must clean your monitor regularly and properly.

#2. Keep brightness at a moderate level

The higher brightness level is not only dangerous for your eyes, but it also affects the mechanics of the monitor.

If the monitor’s screen has full brightness, it will burn faster than the moderated brightness level.

If you want to increase the life of your monitor, you must use your monitor at a moderate brightness level.

#3. Usage of monitor 

If you use your monitor for more than 8 hours daily, it will burn out your monitor faster than the regular usage of it.

To increase the life of your monitor, you should use the monitor for less than 7 hours daily, which will improve the life of your monitor.

Please turn off the monitor when you’re not using it.

#4. Use screen protector

To increase the lifespan of your monitor, you should use the screen protector to avoid any scratches on the screen.

It will increase the display’s life, and the monitor will deliver a clear image.

#5. Use surge protector

Use of the surge protector will extend the life of your monitor. Your monitor will explore if you’re plugging directly into the power outlet.

Using the surge protector, you can avoid this damage; it also protects the sensitive piece of electromagnetics from functioning currents.

#6. Avoid the blockage of vents

Modern monitors are made of solid material, so they become overheated faster than the other monitors.

Most monitors have vents to avoid overheating, but the vents can easily block by dust.

To increase the lifespan of the monitor, you should check the vents of the monitor regularly to ensure they are not blocked.

If there is any dust in the vents, you must clean the vents with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

#7. Set the screensaver to black

You should set the screensaver of your monitor to solid black instead of colourful designs. 

It will save the energy of the monitor. It will also allow the led bulbs to last longer, and it will also help with the burn-in effects.


How often should you replace monitors?

There is no specific time to replace your monitor; it depends on the condition of your monitor when it should be replaced.

 But if you want a monitor with higher resolution or refresh rate, then you should replace it to your needs and preference.

Usually, monitors should be replaced after usage of 3 years. 

How long do 4K monitors last?

On average, the 4k monitors last between 10 to 20 years. But the lifespan of your monitor depends on the key factors.

How you use the monitor and how to treat it. If you’re using the monitor at the highest brightness, it will burn your monitor faster than the usage at a moderate level.

What is the lifespan of an IPS monitor?

The IPS monitors have a greater life span than the other monitors; they usually have a lifespan from 8 to 10 years.

Without showing any distraction or dead pixels on the screen.

Wrapping UP 

We hope our article helps you to find out how long monitors last. The life span of any monitor is based on the usage of it.

But you can easily use the LCDS and LEDS monitors for 2 to 3 years without any big issues.

Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages, and both have their own sizes and specs.

But remember, one of them has a longer lifespan than the other, so choose the monitor wisely and based on your needs when buying it.

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