[Spoiler] Warframe 1999 Ending Guide (How to Get the Hex Finale)

If you haven’t played Warframe 1999‘s new quest, “The Hex” at least once, then I advise you to stop reading and do so because this guide article is filled with spoilers. For those who have played Warframe 1999‘s new content at least once, the ending was rather grim and traumatic. Thankfully, this is just Digital Extremes fiddling with your heartstrings. There’s actually a “true ending” to Warframe 1999 or the so-called Hex Finale.

Warframe 1999 True Ending Explained

Image Source: Digital Extremes via The Nerd Stash

To get the general idea of how or why this ending exists, Warframe 1999‘s quest, “The Hex” is more of a time loop where December 31, 1999, on Hollvania, Earth keeps repeating. The initial ending is a tragedy where the Hex members do not survive. Luckily the time loop means multiple endings are indeed possible.

Here’s the full quest if you want some kind of a recap:

Warframe is practically toying around with the idea of eternalism where everything is possible all at the same time. Think of it as the parallel universe or multiverse theory on steroids. So with that in mind, here’s how you can change Warframe 1999‘s ending.

How to Get the Hex Finale in Warframe

Image Source: Digital Extremes via The Nerd Stash

You’ll want to perform a bit of grinding if you want to save all the Hex members in Warframe right away. The grind isn’t really necessary since you can work up to the Hex Finale daily, but if you don’t have the time to log in or play every day, we also have some laborious shortcuts.

Follow this step-by-step process on how to save Hex members and get the true or good ending in Warframe 1999.

Daily Method:

You need to be able to log in and play daily for this method.

Finish the The Hex main quest at least once.

Go back to the Orbiter and use the Pom-2 PC to the right of the navigation panel.

Check the Calendar tab and look for the “To Do” goals.

Make sure to achieve these goals, they appear daily.

Afterward, go to the K.I.M. tab (chatbox).

Make sure to exhaust all dialog options with all Hex members.

Give each of them gifts afterward, based on our Hex gift guide.

Ensure that your Chemistry with each of the Hex members is at least on the ‘Liked’ scale.

Go to the Backroom, talk to Kalymos (the cat), and replay The Hex quest.

Grind Method:

For the grind method, you can pour all your efforts into a single weekend.

Finish the The Hex main quest at least once.

Go to the Hollvania Central Mall.

Select Fast Travel and select Bounties.

Finish any Bounty you want as fast as you can.

Each Bounty has an icon for every Hex member and finishing one can increase Chemistry with them (on top of the Hex Standing).

Repeat as many times as you can until you’re ‘Liked’ by all Hex members.

Go to the Backroom, talk to Kalymos (the cat), and replay The Hex quest.

Related: Speedrun Romance with Our Warframe Hex Gifts & Chemistry Guide

So basically, get your Chemistry level to ‘Liked’ with all the Hex members before attempting another New Year’s Eve run. You’ll get a special reward that’s different from the original ending.
The post [Spoiler] Warframe 1999 Ending Guide (How to Get the Hex Finale) appeared first on The Nerd Stash.

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