How To Find Floyd Secret Fight In Mortal Kombat 1

Pink Floyd Ninja is in fact in Mortal Kombat 1, my fellow Kombatants, but it takes an Elder God to find him in the game. Floyd is a secret fighter in MK1 who you can fight and get exclusive rewards, including a new stage if you manage to beat him. But how to find Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1? How many times do you get To fight Floyd? What do you unlock if you beat Floyd in MK1? We’ll answer all of that here.

Notice: This post will be regularly updated as soon as all the Floyd klues are solved.

Things That You Need To Know About Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1

I wish the guide to finding Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1 was simple, but it’s not. So that’s why you need to have some crucial knowledge about this secret fight in MK1. This info has been gathered by me based on the prominent Mortal Kombat leaker thethiny‘s data. I’ve completed many of them, and Floyd does appear, that’s for sure.

Floyd spawns randomly in your ladder/versus matches. The more klues you solve, the higher chance you’ll have to meet the pink ninja.

You will get Floyd notifications by completing the Klues listed below.

The klues are not in any particular order.

Once you have enough Floyd notifications, he appears on the stage and gives you a hint, which is in fact an active klue that you must solve in that match.

It’s random for different players regarding how many klues and hints they need to take and complete until they find Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1.

If you do enough of the challenges, the match will end, and you’ll fight Floyd on the stage where they introduced the Kombat Pack 1 characters to us.

Floyd will most probably spawn in ladder matches.

If you play 400 ladder matches, Floyd is %100 guaranteed to appear.

Once Floyd appears and gives you the challenge, the counter resets for the notifs.

All 37 Klues For Finding Floyd In Mortal Kombat 1

Image Source: thethiny

Now you know how to find Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1, what you need is pure luck. A player might complete only 2 challenges and meet with Floyd, while another may do 6 and still get guitar notifications and nothing else. Here’s the list of challenges and klues you can accomplish to find Floyd in MK1.

Related: What Killed Mortal Kombat 1?

Total Disrespect: Successfully do 4 taunts without attacking.

Jumping Gets You Nowhere: Win a match without a single jump.

Klean Sweep: Win a match using sweeps only. Back Circle/B only.

Get Over Here Already: Defeat Scorpion as Scorpion.

Up and Away: Spam jump.

No Elder God: Unknown.

I Make The Rules: Spam Liu Kang’s Dragon Kick

No Luna: Unknown

Fire & Ice: Play as Scorpion with Sub-Zero as your Kameo. Obvious.

Ice & Fire: Play as Sub-Zero with Scorpion as your Kameo.

Perfect Kouple: Play as Johnny Cage with Sonya Blade as your Kameo. They were married once in another timeline, remember?

Get The Horns: Play as Shao Kahn with Motaro as your Kameo, since they both have horns.

Hip Hop 4 Ever: Unknown

Yeet!!!: Win a match using throws only.

This Is Where You Fall Down: It’s a clever reference to when Johnny Cage threw Goro off the cliff in the Mortal Kombat 1995 movie. Not sure how to complete the klue though.

Timed Out: Play until the match’s timer runs out.

You Suck: Unkown.

I’m Down Too: Spam uppercut attacks. You might need to end the match with the uppercut Brutality as well.

Fists of Fury: Unknown – Could be winning a match using punches only.

Kicking It: Win a match with kicks only.

Sans Jade: By the Elder Gods, what is this!? AKA, unknown.

Losing Is Winning: Lose a match without even hitting a single punch/kick. Just lose.

Keep Kalm And Finish: Unknown.

Demonic Duo: Play As Asheah with Sareena as your Kameo fighter.

Foesty!!!: Pick Sub-Zero as your main and Kameo.

Toasty!!!: Play as Scorpion while also having Scorpion as your Kameo fighter.

Ka Ballin: Unknown. That you Kabal?

Hat Trick: Unknown. Has something to do with Kung Lao.

Fatal Finish: Unknown.

You Finish Yet?: Unknown.

Inner Beast: Finish off an opponent using Animality moves.

Shaolin Monks: Unknown.

Door Buster: Unknown.

Climb The Pyramid: Unknown.

Challenge Accepted: Complete one of the daily challenges.

Quest Keeper: Unknown.

What Do You Unlock By Beating Floyd In MK1?

Image Source: NetherRealm Studios via The Nerd Stash

If you’re a lucky soul and managed to find and beat Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1, you’ll be well rewarded with a new stage. This is where the Kombat Pack 1 characters were introduced back when the game wasn’t even released, and it looks very much like Tekken open stages to be honest. You’ll also unlock pink color pallets for Scorpion and Sub-Zero Kameo characters, which is nice to make them look like Floyd.
The post How To Find Floyd Secret Fight In Mortal Kombat 1 appeared first on The Nerd Stash.

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