How To Complete the Sly Duper Challenge in BitLife

bitlife super duper challenge

Get ready to master the art of thievery in BitLife’s latest challenge, the Sly Duper Challenge. This one’s all about slipping through the cracks, robbing houses, snatching packages, and even pulling off a bank heist—all while evading the police. If you think you have what it takes to become a legendary thief, let’s walk through each task to help you conquer the challenge.

Sly Duper Challenge Requirements

Here’s a breakdown of the five tasks you’ll need to complete for this challenge:

  1. Be born a male.
  2. Rob 5 or more houses.
  3. Pirate 5 or more porches.
  4. Rob a bank in a furry suit.
  5. Successfully escape from the cops twice.

Step 1: Be Born a Male

To get started, you’ll need to be born as a male character. While you can leave this to chance with a randomized life, creating a custom character gives you an edge. This way, you can max out your smarts and health, both of which will come in handy during your life of crime. After all, you’ll need brains to pull off the heists and stamina to outrun the cops.

Pro tip: Consider setting your Special Talent to Sports to boost your athleticism for those cop chases later on.

Step 2: Rob 5+ Houses

Once you hit 18, it’s time to dive into your criminal career. Head to the Activities tab and select the Crime menu, then choose Burglary. Pick houses where the owners are less likely to have weapons or aggressive pets—these homes make for smoother robberies. Successfully navigate the mini-game without getting caught or mauled, and steal whatever you can carry. Do this five times to cross off this task.

Step 3: Pirate 5+ Porches

Next up, you’ll need to channel your inner porch pirate. Head back to the Crime menu and select Porch Pirate. Here, you’ll pick a house to steal from. Aim for mid-range homes, as they typically have less security. Swipe packages from five porches and be ready to make a break for it if the cops show up!

Step 4: Rob a Bank While Wearing a Furry Suit

This task adds some quirky flair to your criminal resume. Go to the Crime menu and select Bank Robbery. You can choose any bank, weapon, and getaway vehicle, but make sure to pick the Furry Suit as your disguise. If the furry suit option isn’t showing up, try aging up a year or restarting the game to refresh the options. Once you’ve set your heist plan, confirm your choices and hope for a clean getaway.

Step 5: Successfully Run From the Cops Twice

Now, no life of crime would be complete without a couple of police chases. Make sure to stay fit by visiting the gym regularly, as your athleticism will help you outrun the law. If you get caught committing a crime, always choose the option to flee. Do this twice to check off the final task.

Wrap Up

With these five steps completed, you’ll officially be the master of the Sly Duper Challenge. Whether it’s robbing homes, snatching packages, or pulling off a heist in a ridiculous costume, your journey to becoming BitLife’s most infamous thief is complete!

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