Sylvester Stallone ‘Not Wanting To Upset the Neighborhood’ Pulls Plan To Seize Florida Waterway

Sylvester Stallone is putting concern for the environment above his aesthetic desires. The legendary actor has publicly rescinded his decision to install a seaweed barrier outside his Florida property. Stallone’s latest action comes after being condemned for applying for clearance to erect the structure.

The legendary actor initially pursued the project to control the growth of seaweed and the accumulation of trash. His neighbors, however, did not hold the same notion as they were concerned about the environmental impact. The community’s residents also raised the alarm over boaters’ safety and the free movement of boats on the water.

Stallone expressed his love for the area at his town council meeting when explaining the reason for the project. He noted that he wants the water at his $35 million mansion to be healthy and appeal to onlookers. The 78-year-old explained that many sea animals, tour boats, and fishermen have been affected by unclean water.

The actor complained, “Fish have been disarray, a lot of trash, a lot of garbage.” He clarified that he intended to make the area  “pristine” and return it to its glory days. Despite his grand plans, WPTV shared that the actor tapped out after a great deal of pushback. A member of his family issued a statement admitting that he would not be going forward with the plan. The statement read:

“In consulting with the Stallones, and after hearing all his neighbors and not wanting to upset the neighborhood and be good neighbors, they’re just going to withdraw the application.”

The ‘Rocky’ Actor Submitted His Application To Build the Barrier Last Year

Image Source: News Licensing / MEGA

We reported that the star sent an application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to build the barrier. The actor also notified the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about the project over a year ago. The actor reportedly described in his proposal that it was an environmental project to curb debris and seaweed.

However, a new statement from the Army Corps states revealed the actor’s primary motive. According to the statement, “the overall project purpose is to exclude boaters” from accessing his 13,000 square feet property. The Army Corps further confirmed that the seaweed issue was a “secondary concern.”

Furthermore, the politician also included a request for a “submerged lease of state land” in his application. The request was important as Stallone’s proposed “seaweed” barrier would take up part of an underwater property. The property in question reportedly belonged to the state of Florida.

Sylvester Stallone’s Neighbors Questioned His Motive After Receiving Official Notice

Stallone’s move immediately became controversial when his neighbor got wind of it. The neighbors reportedly received a notice from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The notice mandated them to comment on the proposal before 5 p.m. on Christmas Day. The Palm Beach residents immediately declared that they felt blindsided by the notice.

They claimed no prior knowledge of the 78-year-old’s intentions to erect a barrier. One neighbor, Bradford Gary, explained that Stallone copped “one of the nicest West Indies Houses” in the North End. Hence, he understood the actor’s need to protect the property from water-bound intruders and the like. Bradford added that his concern for his home does not justify his bid to seize an entire waterway.

Related: Sylvester Stallone Announces Permanent Migration From California to Florida

The neighbor continued that Stallone must not think he can just act like he owns the water. Bradford’s wife, Susan Gary also claimed the actor did not follow protocol observed by residents of the highbrow area. Susan explained that his decision to leave the neighborhood in the dark about his application created distrust. The neighbors also questioned the project’s possible effect on seagrass, which may have dire repercussions for environmental and sea life.

Should the residents expect a pushback from Sylvester Stallone, or are his plans shelved for good?
The post Sylvester Stallone ‘Not Wanting To Upset the Neighborhood’ Pulls Plan To Seize Florida Waterway appeared first on The Nerd Stash.

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