Hardcore fan and movie star Henry Cavill has an update for his fellow Warhammer 40,000 devotees. In a recent Instagram post, he assured fans that his team, Amazon, and Games Workshop have finally reached an agreed-upon starting point. Cavill told the world that their shared work created “a fantastic place to start our Universe.” With approval from the purse-string holders, the mysterious show can finally enter production.
Henry Cavill is seemingly somewhat new to the executive producer role he takes on this project. He’s a celebrated on-camera performer, but he isn’t one of those actors who takes a producer credit on half of his films. His involvement with this Warhammer project will see him do both, as the EP and star of the first project. As the universe expands, his level of engagement may take on new dimensions.
Henry Cavill Finally Gets to Play (a part in) Warhammer 40,000
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill)
Marked with a selfie outside of a charming Jersey game shop, Henry Cavill told us all that his Warhammer project is finally ready. He and his concept rooms finally set down their miniatures and shook hands on a suitable TV debut for the beloved war game. Cavill, a longtime fan of the franchise, takes time to praise the series’ characters and note his team’s work through the lore. There are countless stories in the Warhammer universe, explored in every medium. Beloved novels and games frequently draw fans into the franchise, while the in-game lore manuals keep them engrossed. Cavill excitedly revealed the start of his potential Warhammer universe, but he couldn’t share its starting point. The shape of that show will stay quiet for a long time. All we have now is the long-awaited confirmation that this project has assembled its army and entered its Command phase.
Related: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Has Henry Cavill’s Approval ‘It Has Real Potential to be Absolutely Awesome!’
Henry Cavill’s announcement has been a long time coming. Cavill parternered with Vertigo Entertainment’s Roy Lee and Natalie Viscuso to pick up the rights and take them to Amazon. That was way back in 2022, when fans started expressing excitement for the project. According to Deadline, they had only a year to work out the creative guidelines with Games Workshop. That brief schedule received a one-year extension, putting the time limit right about now, in December 2024. Thankfully, after a period of radio silence from all involved, Cavill proudly announced a successful deal.
I think the on-screen potential of Warhammer 40,000 sits as an untapped gold mine right now. Amazon’s newly-released Secret Level handles the material in a fun, if slightly bland, manor that hasn’t raised hope. Still, Cavill didn’t lay his hand on that short animated segment. Many fans are reaching to him the way many DC fans saw James Gunn. If anyone is going to deliver the project with all the faithful accuracy that fans want, it’s a guy who knows more about the property than most of them. The future of the franchise doesn’t look quite as grimdark as it usually does.
The post “A Fantastic Place to Start Our Universe”: Henry Cavill’s Warhammer 40,000 Series Is Finally in Development appeared first on The Nerd Stash.