About Monitors Hype

Monitors Hype is your go-to source for all things related to PC monitors and cutting-edge monitor technology. Our mission is to provide you with insightful reviews, in-depth guides, and expert opinions on everything in the world of monitors.

Our website is curated and managed by a dedicated team of enthusiasts who share a passion for delivering accurate and comprehensive information. Here’s what you need to know about us and how we operate.

If you have any questions or want to get in touch, don’t hesitate to contact us at admin@monitorshype.com.

Content Policy & Editorial Standards

Monitors Hype offers a wide range of content, covering topics such as gaming PC monitors, monitor tech innovations, features, and comprehensive guides. We gather information from various sources, including official press releases, media channels of manufacturers, and studios. To provide the best coverage, we may also create content based on data from reputable sources, always aiming to verify the information through multiple channels.

While we respect the privacy of our sources, our editorial staff requires proof of identity to maintain transparency and credibility. Additionally, we ensure proper credit and attribution to the original source when referencing information from other publications or content creators. Image credits are duly provided to the respective creators or publishers.

When reporting on non-public information, we make every effort to reach out to the relevant companies or individuals for their comments, ensuring balanced coverage.

While we do cover rumors and leaks, we do so responsibly, relying on credible sources. We also make attempts to contact the involved parties to validate or refute these claims.

Monitors Hype Corrections and Updates

At Monitors Hype, we publish numerous articles regularly, some of which may require updates to remain current and relevant. This could involve adding new details to evolving stories, fresh recommendations in buyer’s guides, or additional tips following tech updates.

In our commitment to transparency and accuracy, we promptly address factual errors by issuing corrections. An explanatory note is added to the bottom of the article, outlining the nature of the error and the correction applied. If a factual mistake significantly impacts the article’s meaning, we update the content with the correct information and acknowledge the errors near the beginning of the article.

Our general policy is to maintain our content on the website. However, in exceptional cases, often related to legal considerations, we may need to remove an article from monitorshype.com. In such instances, an editor’s note will be placed at the original article’s location, providing a clear explanation for its removal.

Affiliate Advertising and Deals Policy

Affiliate links are an essential part of supporting Monitors Hype and enabling us to provide comprehensive coverage of monitor technology. Affiliate marketing is a standard practice in digital media, allowing us to offer convenient retail links to our readers, making it easier for them to purchase the products and technologies we discuss. For example, when we review a new monitor, we may include a link to a retailer where interested readers can make a purchase. By clicking on these product links, we may earn a small commission on subsequent purchases made through the linked retailers.

Throughout Monitors Hype, you’ll find affiliate links featured in various articles. We prioritize transparency with our audience, so any article containing product links includes a clear disclaimer at the bottom, ensuring our readers are fully informed about our affiliate partnerships.